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Fitness & News Editorial

Colombian fusion cuisine at the heart of urban diversity |
Art & Creative Direction • Photography • Digital

A Colombian Chef walks into a bagel shop...

A Colombian Chef walks into a bagel shop...

Mel (Usaquén’s chef & owner): “Nico! I’m hosting pop-ups once a month at a bagel shop. I’m cooking empanadas and Colombian-style hot dogs!”

A dream come true...

A dream come true...

Nico (Musgo): “OMG! I’ve been wanting to have Colombian food in Philly for years! Can I take pictures at the pop-up? I would love to help you promote the events.”

 This led to Musgo taking over the chef’s Instagram account, designing images to spread the word about Usaquén and enabling Mel to focus on what he does best: fusing flavors and creating experiences.

This led to Musgo taking over the chef’s Instagram account, designing images to spread the word about Usaquén and enabling Mel to focus on what he does best: fusing flavors and creating experiences.

The pop-up grows...

The pop-up grows...

Musgo notes that Usaquén is attracting significant attention on social media, including media inquiries. The design team keeps generating content, and building buzz.

A new home...

A new home...

A few months later, Usaquén is consistently selling out at the pop-ups during the first hour. The success prompts the chef to open his own restaurant sooner than expected.

The inspiration...

The inspiration...

Musgo gets to work designing the website. Built to evoke the spirit and architecture of Usaquén’s namesake* in Bogotá to launch the opening of the restaurant, the site is pure Colombia, enticing customers from Day 1.

*Photo of Usaquén's Main Plaza located in Bogotá by: Leja

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